The Red Shovel Project

I had an idea in mind to something “wintery” for a while now. I just needed winter. On Saturday Mother Nature gave us some snow here in Burlington. The result is what I am calling my Red Shovel Project. 

Toronto Sky

Did someone say coffee? After 2 very early mornings, I think I need it intravenously! 
Many years ago, when I first ventured into this thing we call photography, I wanted to shoot landscapes. Loved the big images, the amazing light. So I did. I found out that I needed to be like the early bird in order to get the worm, or in this case the best light. So I diligently would look up when sunrise would be and I would get to a location for sunrise. To my surprise, other, way smarter, photogs would be packing up when I arrived. I would look at them and ask “where are you going”? Their answer was “you missed the best light man, it was 30 minutes ago”. Disappointed I would kick my own butt and vow to try again. Fortunately I learned from my mistakes and I started arriving well before sunrise and, if I was lucky enough, was able to capture some decent light.

This morning was no different. But I arrived almost 1 hour before sunrise because, surprisingly, traffic was light in the GTA. (don’t look at me that way, even on a Sunday morning, traffic can be backed up). And I am very thankful it was. Because some of the most beautiful light I have ever seen was happening 57 minutes before “official” sunrise. Mother Nature was very kind to me. I guess she figured if I could drag my sorry butt out of bed 2 mornings in a row, I deserved some sort of reward. So thank you Mother Nature! You rock!!

Cannon Knitting Mill

Yesterday I wandered to a few of the sites in Hamilton, Ontario that were part of the Doors Open 2018 event. This event happens every year and is great for those wanting to see the inside of buildings that are usually not accessible to the general public.

My favourite stop of the day was the old Cannon Knitting Mills on Mary Street. The original foundry building was built in 1854 and additions were made in 1910 and 1911-1922. There is certainly no lack of interesting images in this building!

Life Through The Lens – Part III – March 28 Image

This afternoon I had a few moments between the rain drops to explore downtown Lebanon, Pennsylvania. I came across this beautiful church. St Luke’s Episcopal Church. The architecture is amazing!

Life Through The Lens – Part III – March 26 Image

I am in Lakeland, Florida for a day and after dinner this evening I drove by this huge church near Interstate 4. The sky was interesting so I just had to drive in and try a few angles. I like this one the best.