Life Through The Lens – Part II – July 9 Image

This afternoon I drove out to the west coast and drove along the Pacific Coast Highway. I was scouting for somewhere to shoot sunset. However the outrageous price for parking coupled with the huge number of oil rigs out in the water left me searching for alternative shots. I came across this marshy area called Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve. It has a boardwalk and dirt walkways throughout.There are hundreds of birds of many different species. I was concentrating on photographing the ones closer to me as I did not have a really long lens. Every once in a while some would fly directly above me and I would snap the camera up and try to capture them in mid flight. Some of the images did not work out but this one did! The funny thing about this shot is I did not even notice the fish in his mouth until I looked at the images on the computer! Many thanks to my good friend Lisa Langell for providing me with the name of this guy. He is a Caspian Tern. 
